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Palacaguina is a small town located in the NW region of Nicaragua (known for it’s active volcanos), 30 miles south of Honduras. There are around 10,000 people in the spanish speaking region connected to Palacaguina. The town is fortunate to be nestled in the middle of the beautiful, green, jungle-like rolling Amerrisque Mountain Zone. (Palacaguina translates as, “Village near the Mountains.”)

Palacaguina is located within the tropical climate zone. The town has two seasons, wet and dry. During the wet season, the entire region turns various colors of green, and during the dry season, brown slowly takes over the color spectrum. The average temperature in Nicaragua, is between 85 and 90 degrees, but due to Palacaguina’s higher elevation, the town feels cooler. When you visit you will be welcomed not only by a warm climate, but a warm culture as well. Rice, beans, plantains, and chicken will make up the majority of your diet, and of course coffee!

Palacaguina is known for its coffee production and the local company is proud to be community supportive and fair trade certified. During coffee production season, as many as 70% of the nearby residents are provided much needed work from the local coffee producer, but while this is a necessary and vital boost to the economy of the area, when coffee season ends, around 50% of workers in Palacaguina find themselves without full time employment. Many families supplement their income with small farms, raising cattle and chickens or running store fronts out of their homes.

The community of Palacaguina has welcomed the Witonski’s and their work building Palacaguina Christian Academy with open arms. PCA is a direct answer to prayers sent out by pastors and church members in Palacaguina for many years.  Our hope and prayer with LOVEPALA is to be a catalyst to support the community of Palacaguina on their journey towards providing a better future for their children.

Please join us, because it takes many hands to lift a city.

Our Mission

What We Stand For

We will educate, equip and empower children to reach their greatest potential by providing a safe and holistic learning environment that incorporates health, individual responsibility, and social and moral values.

Get In Touch

Telephone: (501) 422-1568

Email: [email protected]

School Hours: M-F: 7am – 3pm